Subject: Christians & Birthdays! Author: John D. Keyser Uploaded By: KiwiRed Date: 8/24/1995 File: BIRTHAOL.ASC (55980 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33696 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 130 Equipment: Any computer (ASCII) Needs: Any word processor Most people living in this day and age rarely, if ever, QUESTION the customs they observe -- including that of BIRTHDAYS! Because of the SUBTLE ways pagan observances and beliefs have crept into the "Christian" church, thousands upon thousands of sincere people never question the EVIL behind their use. Are YOU one of them? If you celebrate BIRTHDAYS in any shape, form or fashion you are celebrating a "feast" that God hates -- a feast whose origin is deeply rooted in PAGAN GODWORSHIP and the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon!